Sutrio Country Nativity scene

Today marks the conclusion of the first artistic residency, SUTRIO: NATIVITY VILLAGE, as part of the project “The Woods in the Village – The Village in the Woods,” funded by the P.N.R.R. Grant.

Four sculptors from all over Italy – Sisto Lombardo, Silvio Rizzato, Tiziano Di Giusto, and Fabio Natale – have created new works that will ideally enrich the Nativity scene in the Vatican.

These include the shepherdess, the sheep, the scene of the butcher, and the coachman, potentially accompanied in the future by the horse and the conscripts’ carriage.

Do you remember where you have already seen these last two statues? In the Nativity scene of Teno! The work created by Gaudenzio Straulino over more than 30 years of work, which not only depicts the Nativity but also showcases the customs, traditions, and typical trades of our territory.

We would like to express our gratitude to the artists who have dedicated their creativity, artisanal skills, and professionalism to our project!


This activity is part of the P.N.R.R. Grant – Mission 1, Component 3 – Measure 2, Investment 2.1 “Attractiveness of Villages” – Intervention Line B “Cultural and Social Regeneration of Historic Villages,” financed by the European Union – Next Generation EU.

PROJECT “BOB – The Woods in the Village – The Village in the Woods” – INTERVENTION 12 “ARTISTIC RESIDENCIES.”

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DB_Residenza scultori Sutrio
DB_Residenza scultori Sutrio

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