The iconic dish of Carnic cuisine is celebrated in Sutrio every year on the first Sunday of June: the Cjarson, a type of dumpling served with melted butter and smoked ricotta in its savory version, or with cinnamon or cocoa in its sweet version.

But what is the filling of this dish? There is a recipe for every home: traditionally, Cjarsons were made with whatever was in the pantry. Potatoes, fragrant herbs like mint, lemon balm, parsley, a bit of raisins, and a sprinkle of spices were never missing.

The history of Cjarsons is ancient and intertwined with the history of these places: the spices were leftover from the travels of the “cramars,” the traveling merchants who went to Austria and Germany with their “crame” to trade spices, fabrics, and natural remedies.

At the Festa dei Cjarsons, each village offers its own version, allowing you to taste the tradition that each territory brings with it.


The symbolic dish of Carnia in its local variations

Where: in Sutrio
When: The first Sunday of June

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