What is Forest Bathing?

Forest Bathing, or “bagno di foresta” in Italian, is a practice that originated in Japan under the name “Shinrin Yoku.”

It involves immersing oneself in the forest: once surrounded by trees, all five senses are activated to perceive what is happening within and outside of ourselves.

Our Proposal

Starting today, you can also practice Forest Bathing in Carnia. As Albergo Diffuso Borgo Soandri, we organize three outings between October and November to experience this engaging activity in the changing colors of the Sutrio forest as it prepares for autumn.

Mark these dates in your calendar:

  • Sunday, October 28th, at 10:00 AM
  • Sunday, November 19th, at 10:00 AM
  • Sunday, November 26th, at 10:00 AM

The individual participation fee is 25 euros.

Practical Information

The Forest Bathing activity is suitable for everyone and does not require specific physical preparation or prior experience.

The outing takes place outdoors, in the forest, and lasts approximately two hours. At the end, there will be a moment of sharing and discussion with the other participants, accompanied by a hot beverage.

We recommend wearing comfortable sportswear, waterproof hiking shoes, a backpack to carry water, and an extra warm sweater in case it gets cold. The guide will provide mats and blankets to lie on, but if you prefer to use your own, you can bring it with you.

Prepare to reconnect with the nature that surrounds you.

Want to learn more? Fill out the form below to request more information or call us at 0433778921.



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