A special offer for your stay in Sutrio (Udine).
Offer valid ONLY from March 1st to March 31st, 2023.

  • Minimum 2-night stay in a deluxe or superior apartment with a 15% discount:
  • Minimum 2 people.
  • Special breakfast included: a basket of local products delivered to the room at the desired time.
  • Guided tours included in the package price, with flexible schedules and dates of your choice.
  • Experience the warm hospitality and activities that Sutrio offers 365 days a year.

Special price of 213 euros (excluding tourist tax).

Here are the activities designed for you:

Guided visit to the Nativity Scene in the Vatican, created by sculptors from Friuli Venezia Giulia and hosted
in Rome during Christmas 2022, as well as
the Teno Nativity Scene, carved by Gaudenzio Straulino and mechanized.

These are two unique excellences of the craftsmanship of Sutrio and Carnia.

An open-air Bible is what you will admire on the streets of Cercivento, next to Sutrio, where 9 mosaics, murals, and frescoes depicting the Sacred Scriptures introduce a fundamental text in Western culture.

The guided tour has high artistic value and is suitable for believers and non-believers.

Hai qualche dubbio o desideri maggiori informazioni?

Compila il form sottostante o chiamaci al +39 0433 77 8921


Albergo Diffuso Borgo Soandri
Società Cooperativa a.r.l.

Registered office: Via R. Linussio 1,
33020 Sutrio (Udine)

F.C and Vat n. 02151620305
Uff. Reg. Pordenone-Udine
REA UD-239347


Phone: (+39) 0433 778921
Fax: (+39) 0433 776977

Email: info@albergodiffuso.org
PEC: soandri@legalmail.it


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